- Act 1- Mad that Hermia won't marry him
- Act 2- Annoyed that Helena won't go away
- Act 3- Frustrated Hermia won't go back to Athens w/ him, then drugged so he falls in love with Helena, fighting with Lys for Helena
- Act4- Confused about what happened the night before but still madly in love with Helena
- Act 5- Married and Entertained by the stupid play
- DEMETRIUS: Relent sweet Hermia: and Lysander, yeild they crazed title to my certain right.
- LYSANDER: (she dotes) Upon this spotted and inconstant man
- DEM: Lysander, keep they Hermia, I will non if e'er I loved her, all that love is gone.
- DEM: I know not what power- but some power it is- my love for Hermia melted as the snow...
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