- Act 1- bold- standing up to Theseus and Egeus for Hermia and then to run away with her
- Act 2- Lost and then infatuated when drugged for Helena
- Act 3- Hates Hermia, loves Helena, mad at Demetrius and wants to fight
- Act 4- confused as to what happened in the woods
- Act 5- happy to be married, and entertained by the play
- You have her father's love, Demetrius; let me have Hermias: do you marry him.
- I am my lord as well deserved as he, as well possessed; my love os more than his.
- Two bosoms intertained with an oath- Hermia
- So quick things come to confusion
- I do repent the tedious minutes I with her have spent
- Half sleep, half, waking: but as yet, I swear, I cannot truly how I came here.
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