- Act 1 - Theseus is looking forward to his wedding, then when Egeus comes to him with complaints against Hermia he is just and fair and abides by the law, but he sympathies with Hermia and gives her more time to think about her decition
- Act 4- Surprised to see the lovers in the forest, but his sympathy over rules and he allows the couples to get married
- Act 5- Happy to be married, he is skeptical of the tales woven by the lovers, then amused by the stupidity of the play put on by the mechanicals
- Now fair Hippolyta, out nuptial hour draws on apace, four happy days bring in another moon: but, O, me thinks, how slow this old moon wanes! She lingers my desires.
- Fair lovers, you are fortunately met... Egeus I will overbear your will for in the temple by and by with us these couples shall be eternally be knit
- The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact
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