Business Technology


State of the art technology?


  • Enables AS Plc to continue to produce more technically sophisticated engines and thus help maximise competitiveness in terms of quality
  • Will enable the new more fuel efficeint engines to be manufactured as cheaply as possible and thus maximise AS Plc 's competitiveness in terms of price
  • Enables AS Plc's more fuel efficient engines to be manufactured as quickly as possible to maximise competitiveness in terms of delivery times


  • Could mean making workers redundant which affects AS Plc's reputation and costs in terms of retraining
  • Machines could experience technical problems which could affect/halt production
  • state of the art technology is very expensive and potentially time consuming to set up


In conclusion, I think that AS Plc should use Sate of the Art Technology because they could be come more competitive in terms of quality, price and delivery.


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