Causes & Effects of WW1

  • Created by: lmc555
  • Created on: 26-05-19 17:30

Causes & Effects of WW1


  • Militarism
  • Alliances
  • Imperialism
  • Nationalism


  • Germany had become politically unstable. There was mutiny & revolution in the army; many felt the government had stabbed Germany in the back by signing the Treaty of Versailles
  • Society was divided. Some factory owners made a fortune in the war, while workers had restrictions placed on their wages; during the war, many women had worked in factories, but now the men had returned from the war, and thought this questioned traditional family values
  • Germany was virtually bankrupt. Germany had borrowed lots of money from countries like the USA - this needed to be paid back; war pensions would cost the government a fortune; German factories were exhausted by the war

Overall summary

There are four (MAIN) causes of WW1: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism. After the war, Germany was politically unstable, society was even more divided than before, and virtually bankrupt


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