- Ethnicity, is the group according to their ethnic origins or characteristics. In narrow terms it descries their racial makeup of a population, whether people are Caucasoid, monoloid, negroid, or Polynesian eg; Russians and Chechens conflict.
- Culture in a geographical sense, culture is the customary beliefs, social norms and traits eg; religion, race, social. It's a shaped belief or attitude eg; Basque conflict.
- Territory is a geographical area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority eg; SADR dispute.
- Ideology a systematic bod of concepts regarding human life or culture eg; North Korea
- Resources conflict created from resource uneven distribution or who owns it
- Identity a sense of belonging to a group or geographical area, where there is the same genetic character or a similarity or character or personality. The identity may be determined by ethnicity, language, religion. People can be protected over their identity and seek to maintain it at all costs.
- Nationalism loyalty and devotion to a nation, this can create a sense of national consciousness, exalting that nation above others. The culture and interests of only that nation are promoted.
- Regionalism loyalty to a nation or distinctive region.
- Localism an affection for a particular place.
- All of these factors can create tension between areas, or pride for an area leading to conflict as people are protective over these factors or feel entitled to them.
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