Chemistry 1.2 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Limestone
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Lilli the Putian
- Created on: 28-12-15 20:10
Chemistry 1.2 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Limestone |
EvaluationLimestone is a cheap and functional material that is resistant to fire and rot, and is also robust and versatile. The quarrying of limestone can be seen as economically beneficial, as it provides jobs for workers, and brings additional business to an area. However, this is largely cancelled out by the destruction of tourism in countryside areas, resulting in little economic gain overall. It also causes social issues such as the ugly disfigurement of the landscape, and painful noise pollution for locals who live near to the quarry site, as well as the obvious environmental implications of building a giant hole in the ground that is almost never re-filled and results in the large-scale destruction of habitats. In conclusion, limestone is not a good choice of building material, as it's advantages are limited and there are other building materials that are cheaper, safer and more aesthetically pleasing, as well as being resistant to fire and rot, that are potentially more suitable for the job. |