
  • Created by: Spannah
  • Created on: 05-06-18 15:14



  • Retirement
  • A perceived better quality of life
  • Safer and less polluted environment
  • Lower crime rate
  • Ability to move- increased infrastructure and car ownership
  • Technological improvements, such as the internet
  • Availability of land- sold by farmers for housing


  • Increased use of commuter railway station (inc car parking)
  • Increased value of houses
  • Construction of exclusive housing (following demolition of former properties, or converted farm buildings)
  • Loss of habitats and farmland
  • Decline in traditional farming
  • Tensions between locals and newcomers

Overall summary

Counter-urbanisation is the process in which the population of cities falls as people move out beyond the rural-urban fringe to 'truly rural' areas. There are many reasons for this occurring, as stated and also many consequences, both positive and negative. The socio-economic groups of people most likely to counter-urbanise are: older, retired people and more affluent professionals. 


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