



Role of Education 


Wrong 1961


Davis Moore

Blau and Duncan 

Chubb and Moe 

Karl Marx 

Bowles and Gintis 


Bowles and Ginits 

The Gender Gap

Browne 2008 

Browne 2008 and Webb 2009 

 Sharpe 1976-1994

McRobbie 1994


Young and Willmott 1973

Mitsos and Browne 1998 

Webb 2008 

Francis 2001

Weiner 1995 

Gorard 2005 

Mitsos and Browne 1998 

Dale Spender 1983 

Francis 2001 

Groddal 1994 

Swann 1998 

Becker 1971, Circourel and Kitsuse 1963, Rist 1970

Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968

Keddie 1971

Hargreaves 1976, Lacy 1970, Ball 1981 

Weiner 1993

Lobban 1974

Jannette Elwood 2005 

Mitsos and Browne 1998 

Sewell 2006

Barber 1996 

Stanworth 1983

Licht and Dweck 1987 

Epstein 1998

Francis 2001

Willis 1977

Connolly 2006

Wikeley 1996 

Oakley 1973

Elwood 1998 

Delamont 2000

Carol Ross 1991 

Patricia Murphy 1991 

Kelly 1979 

Colley 1998 

Paetcher 1998 

Dewar 1990 

Connell 1995 

Mac and Ghaill 1994

Lees 1993


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