- Nicknamed
- Presided over an age of affluence.
- Many reforms; Clean Air Act of 1956 + the Housing and Factor Acts.
- RAB, as Home Secretary (1957 - 1962) was more liberal than those prior; Homicide Act of 1957 restricted usage of death penalty, whilst Wolfenden Commission of 1957 recommended that homosexuality not be illegal.
- Developed ‘New Towns’ with a ‘green belt’, meaning no surrounding factories.
- Rebuilt US relationship.
- Had control of the media; took many advantageous opportunities presented by this fact.
- Had Party unity, in contrast to Labour Party, which was in disarray.
- Conservatives have 100 seats after 1959 General Election.
- Average pay for industrial workers had risen by over 20%.
- Was viewed by some in the Conservative party to be left-wing.
- Arguably, low unemployment and economic prosperity was as a result of world trade, not his actions.
- By 1963, unemployment had reached 1 million in Britain
- Internally, there was division over his support of colonial independence.
- Macmillan was frowned upon for his reliance on Keynesianism.
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