How Important a part did Chadwick really play in public health reform?
- Created by: Lucy Norton
- Created on: 06-04-13 11:04
How Important a part did Chadwick really play in public health reform? |
EvaluationAlthough his was the main mad behind the Public Health Act 1848 it was not compulsory so many towns and cities refused. HIs ideas and recommendations did however persuade some people to do something about public health. However it is impossible to say that because the 1848 Act did not work because of Chadwick, I believe that it did not work in the way in which the government wanted it to because it was not compulsory. If it had been mandatory it would of more than likely have worked. Even if it was made compulsory and did work, it would not be Chadwick that played the most important role in the reform of public health, it would be the government for passing the Act. Chadwick was the spark but government let it blaze. |
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