(Irenaen) Comment on the view that there is a successful solution to the problem of suffering (9 marks)
This advantages and disadvantages table looks to the Irenaen theodicy and gives you all you need to know in order to gain full marks on the AO2 question for evil and suffering. Please note that the conclusion is expressed on my own opinion and you can edit that as you wish.
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?- Created by: GeorgeB16
- Created on: 25-04-16 21:10
(Irenaen) Comment on the view that there is a successful solution to the problem of suffering (9 marks) |
EvaluationThere is clear evidence that the Irenaen theodicy is a successful solution to the problem of evil, however there are a number of disadvantages that appear to contradict these strengths. I personally disagree and believe that the Irenaen theodicy is not a successful solution to the problem of evil and suffering because the theodicy fails to explain why God allows such huge numbers to suffer such as the Holocaust and it is also dangerous to allow people to follow this theodicy because it appears to allow crimes to be committed as everyone attains salvation in Heaven, which surely would create more suffering for those living? |