- warrior, thane of glamis
- kind nature at first
- easily manipulated by his wife, and witches
- has a fatal flaw in that he is human and is placed between the witches(evil), and God (good)
- valiant, brave
- becomes ambitious, greedy for power, selfish
- Macbeth becomes a mass murderer and is ultimately defeated by good
- thane of glamis who defeats the armies who rebelled against king Duncan
- meets 3 witches and is the main protagonist in the play
- plots with his wife to murder the king and rule the throne
- arranges for friend Banquo to be murdered out of fear that his children will be kings (from witches prophecies)
- has macduff's family killed
- ultimately cornered by English and Scottish forces and killed by macduff
- at first he is a mighty warrior who pleases the king and is rewarded
- after hearing prophecies from witches he becomes obsessed with power
- his ambition drives hm to become a brutal mass murderer ('this dead butcher')
- his wife fears he may be to kind to kill the king ('I do fear thy nature; it is too full o'the milk of human kindness.')
- there is a shift from him loving his wife and being a warrior to him being a treacherous mass murderer
- this shows how supernatural and evil forces of his wife and the witches have taken over him, and he is not a wholly bad person
- this makes the play a tragedy, it is the tragedy of Macbeth which shows he was not fully evil - it was a tragic progression and it was not certain to happen
- he becomes more and more ambitious as the witches prophecies come true
- when Banquo observes that the prophecies have come true he begins to suspect Macbeth has been dishonest
- the link between the witches and Macbeth show how he is taken over by evil and greed.
- tempted by witches message ('would they had stayed')
- shows how good ultimately conquers evil