Manual guidance

  • Created by: Megan66
  • Created on: 09-06-17 12:12

Manual guidance


  • Eliminates danger.
  • Builds confidence of the performer who may not be able to gain the feel of the whole task without help and support from manual guidance.
  • Fear and anxiety associated with dangerous or difficult tasks may be reduced if the support is hands on to the performer. When the task is more complex it could be broken down into parts.


  • Detrimental effect on performance if it is over used.
  • Once the initial feel is established too much reliance could begin to interfere with the task, causing the performer to gain bad habits.
  • The performer may also begin to depend on the support too much, not being able to do the task without the physical help, they loose confidence rather than gaining it.
  • The coach should restrict and control the use of this type of guidance to avoid over-usage, remembering that this form of guidance can result in the coach being up close and personal to the performer, such proximity may be off putting.


Definition - Physical support


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