Medicine Through Time
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- chance
- Created by: ShanShuff
- Created on: 20-03-15 00:01
Date/period |
Event(s) |
Prehistoric |
Egyptian |
Ancient Greece |
Hippocrates |
Romans |
Galen |
The Renaissance |
Andreas Vesalius |
Ambroise Paré |
William Harvey |
Edward Jenner |
Quack Doctors |
The industrial Revolution |
Dr John Snow |
Edwin Chadwick |
The 1875 Public Health Act |
Louis Pasteur |
Spontaneous Generation Theory |
Robert Koch |
Florence Nightingale |
Mary Seacole |
Surgery in the Nineteenth Century |
Anaesthetics in the Nineteenth Century |
Joseph Lister and the development of antiseptic surgery |
Blood Transfusions 1901-1938 |
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