'Paley's teleological argument successfully defends the existence of God' discuss​


'Paley's teleological argument successfully defends the existence of God' discuss​


  • Paleys arguement has strength within it's simplicity:                              - Logical to argue that the designer is the all-powerful Christian God because it's the simplest explaination
  • Supported by the Bible:
  • Genesis 1:1  "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, the rest of Genesis goes on to explain how the complexity of the earth, like day, night, heavens, seas creatures and livestock, which was all created by God
  • Swinburne argues that evolution simply obeys the laws of science designed by God, which further supports Paley's argument of God designing the universe


  • we know through logic and experience that a watch is designed, we cannot question that.But, the universe is the thing in question
  • Hume: illogical to compare a watch to the universe. Comparing something organic makes more sense to him as its organic as well as complex.
  • inductive argument; reliant on what we observe and experience, this may be doubted as our senses often lie to us BUT we can all understand the logic behind the argument and often question the coomplexity of the world


Many arguments against Paley's teleological proposition fail to successfully prove how it DOESN'T explain existence of God, hard to unpick as it is a very air-tight argument. Hume tries to unsuccessfully criticise Paley's argument because many see it as 'not based on analogy':-not purely based on an analogy of artefacts and the universe-his argument is simply that when there is a complex property performing a purpose, it is impossible for those properties to come about by 'chance'-man-made things have these complex properties, as well as parts of nature. therefore, nature has a designer because of its complexity, not because of analogies to man-made things- the watch is an illustration of this logic-therefore, Paley successfully uses his design argument to defend the existence of God.


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