
Proliferation- How technology has evolved.

The advantages and disadvantages of proliferation.

  • Created by: Sumi
  • Created on: 26-04-13 14:45



  • Easier piracy- good for audience (cheap & easy)
  • More advanvanced technology
  • Better viewing experience
  • Control- Audiences have more control, more avaliable when we want it, and we are in control of the scheduling
  • So many more ways to watch a film! e.g DVD, blu-ray, cinema, YouTube, Sky Anytime, internet streaming, pirate DVD's, iTunes and phones.


  • Easier piracy- bad for institutions
  • More chance of faulty technology
  • Control- Industries have less control


Overall, there are many disadvantages concerning the industries as the audience are given more control, unlike before technology was evolved. Audiences used to have to follow institutions schedule (TV guide/ cinema time listings), but know audiences can easily access a film they want to see, and when they want to see it, instead of seeing what cinemas/ TV's are showing at their time schedule. However, there are more advantages for audiences, so overall proliferation (evolution of technology) has been good, more so for audiences, but still good.


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