The Character of Odysseus.

  • Created by: elareare
  • Created on: 31-01-23 16:19



  • considerate of others
  • heroic
  • intelligent
  • selfish
  • weak
  • foolish
  • he is a well-developed character who makes mistakes, attempts to correct them and does dumb things.
  • this helps us see him in many lights and even invites us to dislike him.
  • he is the main character
  • husband of penelope, seperated for 20 years
  • warrior and a hero.
  • athena helped him. odysseus was like her little pet.
  • he does sleep with other women, but not completely willingly
  • in the underworld he cries and felt suicidal but then 'pulled himself together' this shows great strength of a character.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • he makes mistakes in the story
  • ultimately his character does not change so much.
  • he does earn his victories through hard work, thought and pain
  • "They groaned aloud, and wept great tears. But their lamentation did no good."sadness felt and then he gets over it,
  • "I sacked the city and slew the men, and the women and riches we split between us, so that as far as i could determine no man lacked an equal share". what is bad to us is considered fair and even heroic.
  • "when circe strikes you with the length of the wand, draw your sharp sword and rush at her, as if you intend to kill her. she will be seized with fear. then she'll invite you to her bed, and don't refuse the goddess' favours, if you want her to free your men, and care for you too". advice from hermes to odysseus, odysseus genuinely doesn't want to sleep with circe.


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