The Attlee Government - 1945-1951
- Created by: NewGirl.
- Created on: 30-04-13 10:14
The Attlee Government - 1945-1951 |
EvaluationEssentially, the main achievement that derived from the Attlee government between the years 1945-1951 was the Welfare state that is in essence, still intact today. The NHS has been ingrained into society itself, upon which any attempt at removing the NHS from the British public could be sincerely dangerous to the government. Economically, devaluation was seen to improve the economy, not vastly, however following the Attlee years came the post-war boom. Unfortunately, it may not be wholeheartedly credited to Attlee. The divisions between the Labour government at this time is almost synonymous with Attlee, had these divisions not taken place to such a grand effect, the Conservative manifesto of 1951 may not have had such a wide target to hit in terms of the opinions of the electorate. Indeed, the main achievement of the Attlee government, was the expansions and re-shaping of the Welfare state that cannot be ignored as a major contribution to modern Britain. |
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