Virtue Ethics ( features etc)

  • Created by: MaureenG
  • Created on: 15-05-18 10:30

Virtue Ethics ( features etc)


  • universal theory which can be applied religion / non religious
  • not just good for one person but all of humanity
  • everything has a 'good' or a purpose
  • supreme good (eudaimonia) happiness
  • looks to define good people and the qualities that make them good
  • we can go through life trying to act out these qualities' other people
  • Phillipa Foot: nescessary for a moral society
  • Alasdair Mac Intyre: supports Aristotilan virtues


  • must avoid over/ under emphasising virtues
  • behaviour can't be extreme but always passionate
  • does not give clear rules around moral issues: abortion etc
  • Hursthehouse: tries to defend for moral issues but difficult
  • looks at each moral situation; could suggest it can't be used by Christians
  • Elizabeth Anscombe: bad person can still act morally we are more than just following rules & being obedient


It may not be seen as a fully developed moral theory due to its confusion around moral issues. As it could possibly condone actions which are against Christian teaching would mean it is not compatible with religion. In many cases people prefer being told what to follow/ not and Virtue Ethics does not give people this moral guidance. Supporters claim it a good approach as it recognises the importance of the person in moral decision making. Rather than looking for rules it looks at fundamental issue: what it means to be human.  


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