Why did people not question Galen in the middle ages?


Why did people not question Galen in the middle ages?


  • Education_ It mad lots of people be able to read and it taught them medicine. The church controlled education so people were being taught about the humorous, even if it wasn't true and they believed it.
  • Communication- This enabled the word to spread about Galens theory.


  • The Church- They influenced everyone's ideas and if they didnt want anyone to question Galens ideas then they would say those people would go to hell. If it was wrong lots of people would believe he was right and then not as many people would survive.
  • Communication- It was very slow, also conveying the wrong message as it was false but believed education.
  • The king and his government- They wanted the streets to be clean and healthy but the king wanted tax money to be used on war. The king also didn't want people to clean so he didn't tell them to.
  • Attitudes- The church taught people not to question the ideas about Galen had and not ot question the Bible. This means that they couldn't find out any more about medicine. They had this attitude because that is what they were taught at school.


They were very religious people and the people in charge were very conservative. it was very controlled by the church and partly because of the King.


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