Will Freeman

Will Freeman starts the book acting like a teenage thinking he can do anything he wants. He also never faces up to responsiblities, has never achieved anything with his life but is also very lonely as his life style means that he has no relations or friendships so he lives in a dream world and imagines himself living through other people. Throughout the book its his development and change as he helps Marcus and starts to care for people and accept responsibility, he helps Marcus become a teenager. At the end of the book, he does care and has now got a family.




  • Begining of the book
  • Selfish
  • Immature
  • No sense of responsibility
  • Liar
  • Mean
  • No sense of what goes on in the world
  • End of the book
  • Caring
  • Worried
  • Helpful
  • Responsible
  • Will Freeman starts the book acting like a teenage thinking he can do anything he wants. He also never faces up to responsiblities, has never achieved anything with his life but is also very lonely as his life style means that he has no relations or friendships so he lives in a dream world and imagines himself living through other people. Throughout the book its his development and change as he helps Marcus and starts to care for people and accept responsibility, he helps Marcus become a teenager. At the end of the book, he does care and has now got a family.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Will Freeman is one of the two characters that growths and changes throughout the book. He changes from acting like a irresponsible teenager to being a responsible, caring adult.
  • "How cool was Will Freeman?"
  • "he had slept with a woman he didn't know very well in the last three months"
  • "was as close as he had ever come to an achievement" - in relation to a questionnaire in a mens magazine
  • "I really am this shallow." - when offered to be a Godfather his attempt to try and get out of it
  • "I like Pinky and Perky" - trying to win Angie over
  • "He wished that relationships with proper human beings were that easy."
  • "he was loved for not being Simon more than he had ever been loved simply for being himself." - while with Angie - never really had anyone care for him or love him for being himself
  • "His career as a serial nice guy had begun"
  • (while at SPAT) "I'm Will, I'm new, and I don't know anybody."
  • "He wasn't a fraud. He was Robert De Niro."
  • "by the time Suzie had finished her litany of treachery and deceit, he wanted to cut off his own penis with a kitchen knife."
  • "he wouldn't mind being human on a full time basis"
  • (talking about Rachel) - "I'd like her to be my girlfriend"
  • "I just want to hear that hes OK."
  • "he had developed a skin - the kind of skin Will had just shed."


Paul Dutton


A good character analysis of Will, contains important quotes as well.

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