Would you rather sit in the Senate or the House of Representatives?

Advantages = Senate

Disadvantages = House of Representatives

This is comparison of the two houses to allow you to make up your mind and construct a 30 mark question if a comparison question comes up in an exam


Would you rather sit in the Senate or the House of Representatives?


  • Longer terms - 6 years - Allows Senators more time to gain influence over decisions and have longer to represent their states on a national level
  • By definition the Senate is more powerful - Each senator is 1/100 as opposed to 1/435 - therefore any decision carries more power
  • More recognised on a personal level which allows them to be more likely to hold senior administrative posts in the future (such as VP or POTUS) - As seen with many Presidents (Obama, JFK etc...) and Vice Presidents
  • Senate hears the impeachment trial if it is to occur
  • Power to ratify treaties
  • Confirm appointments to senior posts to the judiciary and executive
  • Filibuster - Constitutional power to unlimited deabte


  • Originate all money bills
  • Power to set financial agenda and control the 'purse strings' of government though Ways and Means and Appropriations committees
  • Pork barrel legislation - gains constituent support for re-election
  • Greater local representation - They can focus on their constituents due to representing a single district as opposed to representing a whole state
  • Power to start the impeachment process
  • Elect POTUS if electoral deadlock occurs
  • 'National House' - voted in by means of population of state/district
  • Limited debate
  • 2 year term limit - held accountable for decisions


Whilst there is considerable differences between both houses, it's important to note that things such as the passage of legislation must go through both houses concurrently, and all forms of representatives get paid the same; thus making them relatively equal. However, the Senate has ties with its aristocratic history and has always had more influence over the legislative branch.


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