If you need examples and sources for essays

Justdebate.co.uk is a 'BBC Bitesize' type politics website which explains all contentious political issues in a VERY VERY simple way. We show both sides of the debate, and give you all the sources you need to back up your points. A really useful tool for adding examples in your essays. 

The website is constantly being updated with new articles every single day. Generic articles such as "Should we change electoral system" and "Should we adopt a written constitution", as well as current affairs topics including government cuts and the EU referendum. 

Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustDebateUK and Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/JustDebate as we will be updating these social media outlets with new articles every day. 

  • Created by: Ben
  • Created on: 19-03-16 16:31


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