A2 Politics Liberalism Notes

These are a set of notes on all the key concepts and content summary within the AQA A2 Unit 3B Ideologies specification on Liberalism. It includes up to date examples of modern liberalism and distinguishes the knowledge needed to do well in the exam. 

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Old Sir


A useful and detailed set of notes covering the fundamental aspects of liberal philosophy, these will be helpful to students embarking upon preparation for A2 synoptic discussions. Students might follow this by referring to evidential case studies in order to gain marks in Assessment Objective 2.



Useful knowledge, and very detailed, however, in an exam, to get from level 2 to level three and gain enough marks to get a high D/low C grade, you must refer to the key thinkers, so these notes should ideally have reference to the key thinkers - John Locke, Mary Wollstonecraft, John Stuart Mill, John Rawls, and Betty Friedan.