All you need to know about Parliament


The functions of Parliament and limits to these within the UK 

The erosion of Parliamentary sovereignty 

Institutions within Parliament such as Departmental Select Committees

The House of Commons

The House of Lords

The House of Lords reform - advantages and disadvantages of all the options

Basically, it's everything you need to know for this topic in one (fairly long!!) powerpoint!

Powerpoint Presentation 497.53 Kb


Matt Lanter's the best!! :)


Brilliant!! :) Thanks. Very thorough and concise at the same time, best resource I've found yet!! ;) Just wanted to ask who's your exam board, mine's aqa.

Old Sir


A very useful overview of the legislative responsibilities within the UK. There is a wording glitsch on bullet 1, slide 6 wherein it should say that EU law prevails, but the explanation of the issue of sovereignty is very clear. Students might wish to take their preparations to the next stage by further developing their knowledge of case studies with which to address assessment objective 2, (evaluation and analysis).