Mot � Mot vocab Chapter 1: Comment dirais-je?

Mot à Mot - 5th Edition - New Advanced French Vocabulary - Hodder Education

Chapter 1: Comment dirais-je?

Learning extra vocabularly will significantly help your understanding of the French language, and all of your French comprehension skills.

In this powerpoint, all vocabulary of Chapter 1 of the Mot à Mot book is colour coded* (Pink - feminine nouns, Blue - masculine nouns, Yellow - Verbs, Green - Adjectives), for ease of understanding. Regularly going over vocabulary, no matter the context, will help your wider understanding of French, and will definetly help you in your exams. Use these resources alongside your course vocabulary, to aid your learning.

*If ambiguous, it's been put into the best fitting category

  • Created by: katie407
  • Created on: 18-05-17 11:57
Powerpoint Presentation 1.04 Mb




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