Pre-release series (#1) [2014]: timelines
Hi there.
Okay so I have been asked by a couple of people to put my resources online to aid them for preparing for the exam.
But the problem is that there are a lot and I can't put them in one document. So that's why I have set up a 'pre-release series'.
Here's #1.
Projected documents in the series:
#0.5- Initial ideas.
#1- Timelines of East Africa from the 1880s to the present day.
#2- Possible questions for the pre-release.
#3- Theories of development.
#4- Extra research and the overall pre-release revision notes.
#5-Parallel examples to the East African region.
#6-Stakeholders views in the LAPSSET project.
#7- Mind map (overview) on Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
More may be added in the future.
Good luck for your exam!
- Created by: Bethany Cunningham
- Created on: 11-05-14 12:42
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