1 GCSE History resources Search within results Go How ratings and recommendations work Apply Filter resourcesClear all filtersLevelClear filter GCSE SubjectClear filter History Exam board Edexcel TopicClear filter WW1 , Germany, Weimar Resources Crossword Flashcards Multi-tool Quizsearch What did losing the First World War mean to Germany?/Why did Germany become a republic in 1919? (Keywords) Created by: BubblyNotesCreated on: 03-04-17 09:06 GCSE, History 11 flashcards Search again
What did losing the First World War mean to Germany?/Why did Germany become a republic in 1919? (Keywords) Created by: BubblyNotesCreated on: 03-04-17 09:06 GCSE, History 11 flashcards