1.2 and 1.3 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Health & Social CarePositive care environmentsASWJEC Created by: Helen DaleCreated on: 28-12-12 12:03 1.2 Principles of Care Promoting effective communication and relationships Promoting anti-discriminatory practice (including policies and codes of practice) Maintaining confidentiality of information Promoting and supporting individuals' rights to dignity, independence, empowerment, choice and safety Acknowledging individuals' personal beliefs and identity and respecting diversity Protecting individuals from abuse Providing individualised care 1 of 2 1.3 Caring skills and techniques Encouraging - Motivating and Supporting Showing approval - Smiling and giving praise Creating trust - Builds relationships, maintains confidentiality, being consistent Gaining compliance - Getting someone to agree to do something Social perception - Recognise individuals feelings, needs and intentions Observation - Medical and Visual Disengagement - Breaking contact Distraction - Used to manage temporary pain and anxiety Physical contact - Touching person to show a caring attitude Modelling - Showing acceptable behaviour that they can copy Working alongside - Doing the same activity to provide motivation Setting challenges - Helps improve abilities and skills Safe working practices - Providing a safe place 2 of 2
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