2.2) Germany: Social developments.
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- Created by: AhsanIqbal14
- Created on: 27-01-16 13:37
Social welfare reforms:
- Aftermath of way changes Germany's society and culture.
- Weimar gave more rights, liberty and equality.
- There was a conflict between traditionalists and mondernists.
- 1924, Public assistance systems - Modernised way of helping poor.
- 1925, State Accident Insurance System - Extended help to injured and occupational diseases.
- 1927, National Employment Insurance System - Benefits to unemployed financed by workers.
- But Welfare system promised more than delivered.
- Very expensive, supported more than 300,000 War veterans, widows and disabled.
- Raised taxes after 1924.
- Tried to keep expendature down by a tightening of 'means test' to see if those needing support really needed it and delayed benefits.
- Many War veterans and families were humiliated by Weimar.
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Living standard, Lifestyles and Women.
- 1924-28, Living standard improved.
- Those in work got wage increases.
- The Welfare dependent were less happy but were helped not to fall into poverty.
- Businessmen benefited from trade.
- But those who lost out in Hyperinflation never gained money.
- Farmers suffered from trading and low pay.
- Women, Jews and Younger groups were affected.
- Many like Elsa Hermann refused to be Housewives.
- New woman was a term used to describe their life after war.
- Was sexually free, independent and more public.
- Given more voting rights and education, equal pay and civil service.
- During war many young men died, young women couldn't marry.
- War put many women in employment, women lives were different to their mother.
- But although constitution gave more rights, Civil Code 1896 still existed.
- Involved Husband making key decisions on family, if wife should work etc.
- Many women weren't happy, BFD women groups wanted tradition back.
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New woman was not real.
- Myth: Women had more rights, in work and were 36% of Germans workforce.
- Reality: Many Women actually left jobs so ex-soldiers could work, they got married, paid less than men and criticised as being dual earners by Conservatives.
- Myth: Birth control was widespread and birth rate declined, divorce increased and abortions rose in 1930 1m a year.
- Reality: Aborton was illegal in 1930 it was 12,000, Conservatives criticised the low Birth rate, Churches opposed birth control, divorce etc and many women were apart of the Church.
- Myth: Women could vote and became reich deputies more than Britain, active in local government.
- Reality:No women reps in reichstag, cabinets, political parties and parties never spoke for them.
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German Youth:
- Young were breaking from family, school and religion.
- More crime and anti-social behaviour.
- Left school at 14 to start apprenticeships employment.
- A lot of youth unemployed.
- 1925-26, 17% youth unemployed.
- Benefits and day centres helped fund skills.
- Could help unemployed.
- Many joined gangs with mutual interests.
- Clique is a gang.
- Common is big cities.
- Hamburg cliques were Farmes' fear, Red Apaches, Death Diers and Eagle's claw.
- Names represented toughnes.
- Many broke the law.
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Youth Education and Groups.
- Gymnasiums were for students' wanting to go uni.
- Realschule gave 6 years of schooling.
- Many class and religious divisions.
- Wanted to stop divisions.
- Intro of elementary schools for everyone was success.
- Church influence still powerful.
- WANDEVOGEL - Middle class boys, Nationalists, hated industrialisation, practised nudism.
- CHURCH YOUTH - Catholics and Protestants had groups, Catholics had diff groups for diff sects of youth, e.g. New Germany for middle class. Both promoted religion.
- POLITICAL YOUTH GROUPS - SPD youth, Young Communist league KPD, Hitler Youth Nazis.
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- Half 1m Jews in Germany, 80% in cities and educated.
- Many felt more German than Jew.
- Wanted Assimulation, keeping culture but fully integrated in society.
- Key in Banking, University and culture.
- Powerful before 1914 too.
- 2 Jew Newspapers, Berlin Tageblatt and Frankfurter Zeitfung.
- USPD Hugo Haase, Spartacist Rosa Luxemburg and Kurt Eisner were Jewish.
- Kurt Eisner was leading SPD member in Bavaria.
- Jewish families, Rothschild owned 18% banks in Germany.
- Good as Law and Medicine, 1/2 of them in Berlin were Jewish.
- Jews Succesful in acedemia,9 German Jews won NPP.
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- Many Jews wished to Assimilate via dress, language and life.
- Many Jews married Germans.
- During Golden age, anti-semitism was fading away.
- Some Germans didn't accept them, mainly the right wing.
- 1918-24, Jewish Bolshevism, Communist and Jews were linked.
- Hyperinflation led to anger to Jewish financers
- Accused Jews of corruption and exploitation.
- 1925, Barmat case worsened anti-semitism.
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German Culture:
- Time of freedom and experimentation in Arts.
- Began to modernise in art, architecture, music and literature.
- Modernists V Conservatives.
- Nightlife was extremely popular.
- Cabarets and Nudity was popular.
- Gay people expressed themselves.
- American Jazz grew, comedians attacked politicians.
- But many saw this as morally degenerating, USA culture has influenced German and discipline was lost after 1918.
- Expressionsm dominated art and music, expressed real emotion of Germans.
- Atonel Music avoided traditional forms of beauty, conveyed powerful emotions.
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German Culture:
- Expressionism again dominated.
- Poets had free form of writing.
- Displayed persons mental state, showed revolt to parent too.
- Bauhaus was modern influence.
- Was an architecture school.
- Many started to use steel, concrete and glass in architecture.
- Expressionist ideas.
- Used symbols and shapes to tell a message.
- Attaced Capitalism, nationalism and war.
- Seen as cultural Bolsheviks.
- Film made Berlin centre of cinema.
- Blue Angel was popular which was about a women seducing a proffessor.
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