- Created by: lineventer
- Created on: 21-03-20 12:12
The study of relationships between living organisms and between organisms and their environment
Species: Groups of organisms that can potentietally interbreed to produce fertile offspring
If species are not closely related it is usually impossible for individuals of different species to interbreed
If individuals of different species interbreed and produce offspring - Hybrids will be sterile [infertile don't produce sex cells because the chromosomes of parents from different species don't match]
Example: Mule
Population: A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time
Organisms of the SAME species are SEPARATED geographically and are UNLIKELY to breed but the ability to do so remains. The seperated organisms are part of different populations
U2: Members of a species may be reproductively isolated in seperate populations
Example: South Africans within SA and South Africans in Egypt
Community: Group of populations of different species living together and interacting with each other in the same area
All organisms are dependent on interactions with members of other species for survival this includes plants and microbes
Example: Lions depend Zebras or Bucks
Finding Nemo fishbowl
Ecosystem: A community forms an ecosystem by its interactions with the abiotic environment
Biotic: Living
Abiotic: Non-living surroundings of a community [soil, air, water]
Ecosystem = Community + Abiotic Environment
Energy Absorption: Autotrophs
Autotrophs: Convert Carbon Dioxide [atmosphere/dissolved in water] into Organic Compounds
Plants synthesise sugars [Glucose] then converted into organic compounds [Starch, Cellulose, Lipids, Amino Acids]
Inorganic Nutrient Compounds [Water, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrates, Phosphorous, Oxygen] obtained from Abiotic Environment [Soil, Air, Water]
Energy Source: Light
U3: Species have either heterotrophic or autoprohic method of nutrition [some species have both]
All organisms need organic molecules [Amino Acids] to carry out the functions of life [growth, motabolism and reproduction]
Energy Absorption: Heterotrophs
Heterotrophs: Rely on other organisms for energy
Cannot make the carbon compounds needed
Obtain them from other organisms
Types of Heterotrophs:
- Consumers
- Detrivores
- Saprotrophs
Mixotrophs: Plants and Algae use a combination of different modes of nutrition
Euglena will photosynthesise in suffcient light feeding as an autotroph but can also ingest particles of food by phagocytosis which it then digests
Venus flytrap photocynthesises but can also catch insects and spiders to compensate for nutrient poor soil
Consumers: Heterotrophs that feed on organisms by ingestion to obtain their organic molecules
Ingestion: The taking in of a substance
Consumers can be classified as:
- Herbivores: Feed on Producers
Example: Zebras, Deer and Asphids
- Carnivores: Feed on other Consumers
Example: Lions, Snakes and Ladybirds
- Omnivores: Feed on both Producers and Consumers
Example: Chimpanzee and Mice
- Scavengers: Specialized carnivores that feed mostly on dead and decaying animals
Example: Hyenas, Vultures and Crows
Detrivores: Heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from non-living organic sources such as detrius and humus by internal digestion
Detrius: Dead material from living organisms [dead leaves, parts of decomposing animals and feces]
Humus: Decaying leaf litter mixed with soil
Example: Dung beetles, Earthworms, Woodlice and Crabs
Saprotrophs: Heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from dead organisms by external digestion
Saprotrophs live on or live in non-living organic matter.
Secrete digestive enzymes into the organic matter [dead leaves, dead animals, wood]
Absorb the needed substances/products of digestion
Proteins, Carbs, Lipids are digested externally and absorbed
NOT Consumers - do not ingest the food
External digestion - digestive enzymes are secreted
Decomposers - breakdown organic material
Example: Bateria and Fungi
Nutrient Cycle
Nutrients: Elements required by an organism for growth and metabolism [carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous]
The supply of nutrients is limited so ecosystems constantly recycle the nutrients between organisms. Everyone wants organic nutrients!
- Autotrophs: Convert nutrients from an inorganic form into organic molecules
- Heterotrophs: Ingest other organisms to gain organic form of nutrients
- Saprotrophs: Breakdown organic nutrients to gain energy and in the process release nutrients back into inorganic molecules
Summary of Nutrient Cycle
Supply of nutrients is limited therefore an ecosystem recycles
Autotrophs convert inorganic into organic
Heterotrophs ingest organisms to gain organic
Saprotrophs breakdown organic and release inorganic
Ecosystem Sustainability
There are many nutrient cycles but two of the most important are the:
Carbon Cycle
Key component of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and DNA
Nitrogen Cycle
Key component of proteins and DNA
Decomposers [detrivores and saprotrophs] recycle the resources in dead plant and animal matter for reuse
Flow of energy and nutrients in an ecosystem are between members of the biotic community. Few flows of energy and nutrients leave or enter other ecosystems
Ecosystems are therefore self-contained and self-sustaining
Ecosystem Sustainability
To remain sustainable an ecosystem requires:
- Continuous energy availability: Light form the sun
- Nutrient cycling: Saprotrophs are crucial for the continuous provision of nutrients to producers
- Recycling of waste: Certain products of metabolism are toxic [Ammonia from excretion]. Deccomposing bacteria absorb the toxic molecules as energy, breakdown and release less toxic molecules
Mesocosms: Biological systems that contain the abiotic and biotic features of an ecosystem, but are resticted in size and under controlled conditions
Mesocosms are useful for scientific investigations because natural ecosystems prove harder to collect valid data from
- 5 Litre clear glass jar
- Seal to prevent entry/exit of chemical substances
- Air containing Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
- Pond water containing Autotrophs, Consumers, Detrivores and Saprotrophs
- Mud from bed of pond
Autotrophs: Produce carbon compounds and regenerate oxygen used in cell respiration by organisms in mesocosm [essential]
Saprotrophs: Decompose dead organic matter and recycle nutrients [essential]
Consumers and Detrivores: Usually included, unethical to include large organisms that cannot obtain food or enough oxygen [non-essential]
Testing for Association between Species
- Positive Association: Species found in the same habitat
Example: Preditor and prey [symbiosis]
Herbivore and plant
- Negative Association: Species occur separately in different habitats
Example: Competitive exculsion as they require different nutrients
- No Association: Species occur as frequently when they are apart as when they are together
Quadrat sampling can be used to:
Estimate population density/size
Measure distribution of species
Placed repeatedly in sample area to provide a reliable estimate
Placed systematically to measure changing distribution
Placed randomly to estimate popluation density [presence/absence, frequency or % coverage]
Systematic and Random Sampling are used to avoid bias in the selection of sample
Limitation: Large and mobile animals cannot be effectively sampled.
Most suitable for plants and small slow-moving animals
Chi-squared Test
1. Always define Hypotheses
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the distribution of two species [distribution is random]
Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between the distribution of species [species are associated]
2. Complete the contingency table of observed frequencies using the data
3. Calculate the expected values using the formula
row total x coloumn total over grand total
Expected values: Expect to find if there is no association between the species
4. Calculate the chi-squared value
5. Determine the degrees of freedom - if species are associated df is always 1
(rows - 1) x (coloumns - 1)
Chi-squared Test
6. Compare x squared value with the critical values and validate the hypotheses
df = 1 H0 [Null hypothesis is rejected and H1 is accepted that there is an association between the two species
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