4.4 Introduction to biotechnology

  • Created by: amibhi
  • Created on: 03-05-24 00:24

Define the term recombinant DNA

  • Recombinant DNA= the joining of two separate pieces of DNA (comes from a different source)
    • joined together in a non-naturally occurring way
    • e.g. plasmid cloning
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Explain what genetic engineering involves

1. identify gene of interest (GOI)

2. replicate the gene using PCR

3. transfer GOI into the recipient organism 

  • involves integration of the amplified GOI into plasmid vector
  • transform plasmid into host cell

4. have a method to check successful transformants

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Describe how recombinant DNA technology works in p

1. GOI is amplified by PCR (read how PCR works)

  • amplification is in vitro
  • catalysed by DNA polymerase -> synthesizes a new DNA strand complementary to template strand 
  • primer is needed -> DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides from the 3' -OH end (aka lagging strand)

After two separate fragments are produced from PCR restriction digest ligation turns them into recombinant plasmid. [2]

2. Integrate amplified GOI into plasmid vector

  • Restriction endonuclease enzymes cleave DNA at specific sequences (restriction sites)
    • restriction sites produce "sticky ends"
    • sticky ends can ligate with complementary sticky ends of other fragments
      • DNA ligase seals the ligation
  • Restriction sites are added to 5' end of primers
    • become integrated into PCR product at each end

3. Transform recombinant plasmid into host cell

  • Methods: heat shock and electroporation
  • Heat shock:
    • cells are made chemically compentent through treatment of buffers (contains calcium-> produces repulsion form the charge Ca2+, neutralises charge)
    • temperature induces pores in cell membrane where it promotes DNA uptake
  • Selectable marker - antibiotic resistance
    • agar plate will contain the antibiotic which will have the bacteria containing plasmid with resistance
    • only cells that take up a plasmid will survive

4. Validate successful transformants

  • Gel electrophoresis
    • electrical current passes through gel
    • DNA fragments move towards positive pole -> small fragments move faster up
    • a dye specific for nucleic acids is added to gel
    • DNA fragments appear as bands on gel
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Understand the use of PCR


1. Denaturation (95): separation of 2 nucleotide strands of template DNA

2. Annealing (55-> based on primers): primers bind to the single strands

3. Extension(72): nucelotides are added to primers from 5' to 3' by DNA polymerase -> forms double stranded copy

Components of PCR:

  • Template DNA (DNA containing GOI)
  • Primers (amplifies target region)
  • DNA polymerase (active at 72)
  • Buffer (contains confactor for DNA pol. and dNTPs)
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Define molecular cloning and describe it through a

  • Molecular cloning= assemble recombinant DNA and direct their replication within host organisms/ creates multiple identical copies of DNA segments
    • Vector= section of DNA that can carry another DNA fragment without losing the capacity for self replication
      • Hybrid vector= vector containing an additional DNA fragment
    • Gene cloning= fragment of DNA includes one/+ genes
  • Plasmids replicate separately from bacterial chromosome
    • Highly mobile (very small DNA molecule)
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Discuss the methods and the molecular basis of DNA

  • Sanger sequencing: same as PCR, ATGC has a fluorescent marker attached
    • markers used to identify final bases
  • https://quizlet.com/130540065/f215-5-genomes-and-gene-technologies-flash-cards/?funnelUUID=79c7fab1-efb1-4204-94b3-14ec4e73a642 (Outline how genetic markers in plasmids can be used to identify the bacteria that have taken up a
    recombinant plasmid.)
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Explain what gene therapy is

  • Gene therapy is the alteration of genes that will replace a defective allele with a normal allele
    • vectors are used for delivery of genes into specific cells (e.g. bone marrow)
    • should be done in dividing cells that are renewing cell population
  • Retroviral vector-> carries allele without replicating itself
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