Scrooge meets the ghost of Christams present. THe ghost takes him to lots of differenet placesThey go first onto the streets of London where they see excited people as they prepare for Christmas. Next, they visit the home of Bob Cratchit and his family. At their meal, they toast Scrooge, who provides Bob with his living. Then, they travel to a moor which is home to a community of miners who, despite their poverty, are all attired in their finest clothes for Christmas.They then, go to the sea where they board a ship and observe every man on the watch and on the deck as they hum a Christmas song. Next, they visit Scrooge's nephew, Fred, who is celebrating Christmas with his wife and friends. After dinner, they mock Scrooge in a game but Fred also wishes his uncle a merry Christmas. Finally, they travel to all sorts of places, including almshouses and hospitals, in foreign lands and in England. Despite the obvious suffering, all of the people they see are happy and enjoying the festive season. Before he leaves, the ghost introduces Scroooge to Ignorance and Want.
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