Makes decisions that have specific roles (E.G. Department of Health)
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Enforces Standards (Standards are met effectively and this ensures that service users feel valued and respected. No bad things are happening within care organisations) (E.G. Winterbourne)
Sets Targets (Impact - Gives motivation to service providers to take good care of the vulnerable service users. This makes the service user feel empowered and builds up a stronger relationship between provider and user)
Promotes consumer interest (The public have a say in how health and social care services should be - central government takes this into account. Impact - Public will feel more comfortable in allowing their family members have care from these services, shows democracy within government)
Can establish bodies such as NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Ensures care organisations are at high standards considering that vulnerable people will be within these settings. E.G. OFSTED observes schools and have reports on the CQC (Care Quality Commissions) website for parents and family members to check that this is a good place to leave their children. Impact - Puts service suers and family members at ease.
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Change in population's health - Country stays healthy and the children won't become obese. by the education system having healthy options within schools.
Research will inform the need for change - Scientific research and medical research results to better success rates in medical history.
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Lack of money (economic recessions) - When the country is in a recession, this makes it difficult for the government to seperate money out to different care organisations considering that the amount of money in which they withhold is little.
Standards are not always enforced (By not enforcing standards this can lead to poor standards and mistakes occuring within care organisations (E.G. Baby P)
Ignore professional bodies advice to follow own political agenda (Care providers may think that they know how to treat care users better than what they are being told to do, or they may not like being told how to do their job if they have been doing this for a while)
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Central Government provides and plans services (They organise care organisationss in order to benefit service users)
Fund services (Collect money through the public's tax - afford using public sectors)
Legislate (Make laws in order to have a positive care environment and make sure that service users feel equal to others surrounding them and that they feel safe)
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