A2 Psychology G543 Forensic
Revision cards for the forensic section of G543
- Created by: pixiefairy15
- Created on: 30-05-14 10:35
Turning to Crime: Upbringing: Disrupted Families
Sample: 44 children aged 5-16 referred to Bowlby for theft. Compared to 44 cases referred but not thieves.
Method/Procedure: Matched pairs. Conducted interviews with children and parents to learn about early life.
Results: 17 of 44 seperated from mother before the age of 5
Conclusions: maternal deprivation can lead to juvenile delinquency
Notes: extreme cases showed 'affectionless psychopathy' - unable to form bonds with other people
Turning to Crime: Upbringing: Learning from Others
Theory of differential association
Key points:
- Criminal behaviour is learned - mainly in intimate groups
- Learning criminal behaviour operates on the same principals as other methods of learning
Conclusions: If criminal behaviour is learned, then it can be unlearned
Turning to Crime: Upbringing: Poverty & Disadvanta
Anomic Paradigm theory
Key points: Innovators are more likely to commit crime as they use illegitimate means of acheiving their goals.
Conclusions: Poverty forces people to commit crime, as they cannot pay for things like food and bills. Provides a situational argument for upbringing influencing criminal behaviour ie. the situation forces people to commit crime, NOT their upbringing or disposition.
Turning to Crime: Cognition: Criminal Thinking Pat
Palmer and Hollin
Hostile attribution bias
External attributions - attributes causes to social/environmental factors
Internal attributions - attributes causes of behaviour to self
Neutralisation - neither blaming self or others for behaviour
Sample: 97 convicted male offendors compared to 77 non-offenders, aged 12-24 years (burglary, car theft, joy-riding, assault)
Method/Procedure: given a set of scenarios & asked if people were doing things to be nice, mean or not sure.
Results: Offendors more likely to give hostile responses
Conclusions: Hostile attributions can cause people to act violently or criminally
Notes: People neutralise hostile attributions using techniques (Sykes and Matza, 1957)
Turning to Crime: Cognition: Moral Development
3 levels, 6 stages in moral development:
1 - pre-morality
2 - conventional morality
3 - post-conventional morality
Sample: Studied 75 USA boys over 12 years between 50's & 60's. Alused used children from UK, Taiwan, Mexico, Turkey & Yucatan
Method/procedure: presented with moral dilemmas such as Heinz dilemma
Results: All children could operate at lower levels at a young age & higher levels when older
Conclusions: Morality develops with age.
Turning to Crime: Cognition: Social Cognition
Labelling theory
Sample: Boys in Ashanti tribe in West Africa
Method/procedure: Boys were named after the day of the week they were born on. Monday boys were thought to be more placid than Wednesday boys
Results: 22% of violent offences recorded in tribe were commited by Wednesday boys as opposed to Monday (6.9%)
Conclusions: Self-fulfilling prohecies can lead to criminal beahviour
Turning to Crime: Biology: Brain Dysfunction
Sample: 41 murderers pleading insantiy compared with non murderers
Method/Procedure: used PET scan (injected with glucose and performed task while in scanner) to compare glucose in parts of the brain
Results: Murderers had less activity in the prefrontal cortex, lower activity in left amygdala, and lower acitvity in corpus callosum
Conclusions: lower activity in these parts of the brain could make criminal behaviour more likely
Prefrontal cortex is repsponsible for social awareness and morals
Amygdala is responsible for memory, descision making and emotional reactions
Corpus Callosum is responsible for transmitting information between the hemispheres
Turning to Crime: Biology: Genes and Serotonin
Sample: 5 males in a family in the Netherlands with a history of violence
Method/Procedure: Data collected from urine samples
Results: abnormality found on X chromosome of gene responsible for MAOA production
Conclusions: too early to draw conclusions, but violence could be linked to genetic default
Notes: MAOA is responsible for regulating serotonin, which affects mood and impulsivity.
Turning to Crime: Biology: Gender
Daly and Wilson
Sample: Chigaco neighbourhoods with a lower than average male life expentancy (54.3 years to 77.4 years)
Method/Procedure: Correlation study plotting correlations between police records of homicides, school records and local demographic records
Results: life expenctancy was the best predictor of neighbourhood homicide rates
Conclusions: Young males take more risks when they have a lower life expectancy because they percieve the consequences to be lower and rewards to be higher
Notes: also looked at school truancy (higher with lower life expectancy)
Making a Case: Interviewing Witnesses: Recreating
Sample: People over 30
Method/Procedure: Used 10 faces of celebrities likely to be unfamiliar to sample, looked at for 1 minute then had to construct composite face 2 days later using different techniques. Other participants then had to name, sort and pick from a lineup the faces
Results: sketch best for sorting - 54.4, e-fit best for lineup - 60.0
Conclusions: Sketch is probably the best, as another human is interpreting the face and also sees it holisticaly
Notes: Techniques for producing composite faces have since improved, especially EvoFit
Making a Case: Interviewing Witnesses: Accurate id
Method/Procedure: Participants split into 5 groups, watched a 2 minute video where a receptionist at a hair salon hands a man money. in the different versions he was holding:
1. nothing (control)
2. scissors (high threat, low unusualness)
3. handgun (high threat, high unusualness)
4. wallet (low threat, low unusualness)
5. raw chicken (low threat, high unusalness)
filled out questionnaire 10 mins later, asked to describe receptionist & man and what he was doing, then idefntify him from a lineup
Results: high unusalness got significantly poorer description of target
Conclusions: unusualness conflicts with schema so brain is confused, therefore less concentration on situation or other factors
Making a Case: Interviewing Witnesses: Cognitive I
Geisleman and Fisher
4 principles of cognitive interview:
1. context dependence - recreating the place or emotional state the witness was in
2. changing order of how they witnessed the event - telling it backwards
3. changing perspectve of the witness - telling it from another angle
4. ask witness to report everything (no matter how insignificant) - free association to jog memory
Method/Procedure: CI compared to Standard interview and hypnosis - watched film and interviewed 48 hours later
Results: CI had highest accurately recalled items (41.2) and marginally higher errors
Conclusions: Cognitive interview is a more effective method of interviewing witnesses, though some errors may occur
Making a Case: Interviewing Suspects: Detecting Li
Vrij and Mann
Sample: 52 police officers from Netherlands
Method/Procedure: showed 8 video clips of press conferences where families appealed for information, 5 were 'crocodile tears'. Asked if person was lying, how confident they were with the decision, could they understand them, were there any behavioural cues they spotted.
Results: 3 officers accurate 80% of the time, 49/52 officers doing no better than guessing
Conclusions: Police technquies of detecting lies are not adequate (at least in Netherlands)
Notes: 38 officers tested during a lecture & 14 tested during a coffee break
Making a Case: Interviewing Suspects: Interrogatio
Inbau's 9 steps
1. Direct positive confrontation - told they are considered to have comitted offence
2. Theme development - given chance to shift blame
3. Handling Denials - suspect not allowed to deny
4. Overcoming objections - ingore reasons for suspect's innocence
5. Procurement & retention of suspect's attention - maintain proximity, eye contact & use first name
6. Handling suspect's passive mood - try to generate remorse
7. Presenting an alternative question - given '2 choice lie' (if confess, not charged)
8. Having suspect only relate details of offence - suspect gives oral confessions
9. Converting oral into written confession - written down to be used in court
Making a Case: Interviewing Suspects: False Confes
Types of false confession & Reasons they are made
Voluntary: Person admits to offence because they believe they have done it - mental disorders
Coerced-internalised: Person is conviced by police they have done it - when they don't trust memory e.g. head injury or drunk
Coerced-compliant: Confesses to a crime they know they didn't commit - coercive interrogation they wish to get out of
Factors affecting false confessions:
Defendant - vulnerable people more likely to confess
Arrest & Custody - a sudden or night time arrest & long periods of interrogation
Mental & physical state - suspect is anxious, ill, stressed or drunk
Interrogative factors - coercive, biased or leading tactics result in false confessions
Making a Case: Creating a Profile: Top Down Approa
FBI typologies of murderers and rapists
2 types of murderers: organised & disorganised
4 types of murderers: power-reassurance, power-assertive, anger-retaliatory, anger-excitement
Typologies based on 36 murderers and 41 serial rapists
Used to establish if offences are comitted by the same person, if they will strike again and if the next attack will be more violent
Making a Case: Creating a Profile: Bottom Up Appro
David Canter
Circle theory
Criminals will use mental maps to determine where to commit crime. They will usually choose an area they are familiar with (for espace routes etc.) and where their presence will not be suspisious.
Circle theory suggests that by looking at the location of an offender's crimes, their home will be within a 5 mile radius that can be drawn as a circle on a map.
Tested the theory in a study and over 85% of cases lived within the circle
Making a Case: Creating a Profile: Case Study
John Duffy - The Railway ******
Comitted a series of 24 rapes over 4 years along a railway track
Collected information from the victims about the ****** and his actions and analysed them. Canter came up with profile on 28th July 1986:
- lived in the area near the first 3 rapes
- lived with a wife/girlfriend, without children
- mid to late 20's, light hair, 5'9"
- semi-skilled job not with the public
- has a few very close male friends
- sexually experienced
- previous criminal record
The profile helped identify John Duffy, who had previously been low down on the list of suspects. He fitted 13 of the 17 categories David Canter had identified, and lived in the area he had identified
Reaching a Verdict: Persuading a Jury: Order of Te
Pennington and Hastie
Sample: 130 students
Method/Procedure: Lab experiment, mock jury using mock murder trial on tape, 4 conditions:story and witness order (A,B,C,D)
Results: Condition C (defence using story order and prosecution using witness order) returned a 31% guilty verdict, Condition D (defence using witness order and prosecution using story order) returned a 78% guilty
Conclusions: Story order is more persuasive
Notes: Story order - presenting witnesses in the oder the events occured
Witness order - presenting witnesses in order of importance
Reaching a Verdict: Persuading a Jury: Persuasion
Hovland and Janis - Yale model of communication
Source: must be credible, knowledgeable and attractive - can be done by discrediting witnesses, quoting facts etc. appearance can be controlled by dressing smartly
Message: has to have some emotional sppeal, but not too much & should account for primacy/recency effect. A two-sided messgae is more effective for a higher educated jury, one-sided for less so (can be controlled by voir dire). Message must be subtle so jury has less resistance to persuasion. Messages are more persuasive in an informal setting - can be done in court setting by joking with Jury and making eye contact.
Reaching a Verdict: Persuading a Jury: Inadmissabl
Sample: people on jury service (mock jury) At Chicago Law School
Method/Procedure: listened to tapes of a case of a woman injured by a careless male driver
Results: juries awarded $13,000 more to the victim when the evidence that he had insurance was ruled inadmissable
Conclusions: people pay more attention and place more weight on a peice of information when it is ruled inadmissable
Reaching a Verdict: Witness Appeal: Attractiveness
Castellow et al
Method/Procedure: Mock jury read summary of a case where a 23 year old receptionist accused male employer of sexual harassment. Participants shown photographs of defendant and plaintiff and asked to decide guilty or not guilty.
Results: Attractive plaintiff and unattractive defendant produced 83% guilty, unatrractive plaintiff and attractive defendant 41%.
Conclusions: People make assumptions about a person's motives and character based on their appearance - halo effect
Reaching a Verdict: Witness Appeal: Witness Confid
Penrod and Cutler
Sample: Undergraduates, eligible and experieced jurors
Method/Procedure: Video of robbery trial where witness stated she was either 80% confident or 100% confident she had identified him correctly. Then asked if he was guilty or not.
Results: 100% confidence returned a 67% guilty verdict, 80% returned 60% guilty verdict
Conclusions: Confidence does not increase witness accuracy, but jurors trust confidence more
Reaching a Verdict: Witness Appeal: Shields and ch
Ross et al
Sample: 300 students, even split male & female
Method/Procedure: Video of Sexual abuse trial, 3 conditions: evidence in court, evidence behind a protective sheild, evidence via video link, in second study, video stopped after child gave evidence.
Results: Study 1: Type of testimony had no effect on verdict
Study 2: In open court, more convictions than with sheild or video link
Reaching a Verdict: Reaching a Verdict: Decision M
Method/Procedure: Participants given hypothetical situations and asked to choose the lowest probability that they would consider acceptable for the person in the situation to act.
Results: Groups chose lower probabilities than individuals, suggesting that risky shift had occured.
Conclusions: Juries might make a risky shift towards a guilty verdict when they are in a group
Reaching a Verdict: Reaching a Verdict: Majority I
Sample: 123 males, 7-9 participants in each trial sat at a table. only 1 true pariticpant per trial, others were confederates
Method/Procedure: Asked to compare the length of line on different cards. All confederates gave the same incorrect answer on 12 of 18 trials. Participants interviewed about their choice later.
Results: Participants conformed 36% of the time
Conclusions: Majority influence can inflence someone's decision - can influence a jury verdict
Notes: In interviews, participants said they believed the incorret answer or they didn't want to mess up the study. Some didn't realise the extent of their conformity
Reaching a Verdict: Reaching a Verdict: Minority I
Sample: 172 participants.
Method/Procedure: Shown slides in different shades of blue and asked to state out loud the colour. 2 Conditions:
Consistent - 2 confederates said green every time
Inconsistent - 2 confederates said green two thirds of the time
Results: Consistent condition had 32% participants report a green slide at least once
Conclusions: A consistent minority can heavily influence a jury
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