Mass culture thoery (negative) - contemprary culture as the product of capitalism, mass media and mass production.
Mass culture thoery : In the past, cultures were segragated according to beliefs, norms and values. I.e High culture tend to be the rich (elite). Interests include opera, fine art and literature. On the other hand, Folk culture tends to be the poor. Interests include folk music craft and tales.
Nowadays, it's difficult to differenciate between cultures as both elite and folk as they have both been encompassed by a MASS CULTURE promoted by the media. E.g two people from different cultures can have similiar interests such as eating Mcdz, wearing the same style of clothing and listening to the same music.
Elite theorists such as ELLIOT AND LEAVIS argue that mass cultyure is threatning high culture which is now becoming a positive example to lower social orders. I.e everyone can now access it.
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