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- Created by: ellie garrett
- Created on: 12-01-13 14:24
Card 1 & 2
- "My heart has drunk deep the cup of woe" - tradgic parody
- "it really warmed my heart - when Cleon coughed up his thirty grand" - Aristophanes rivalry with Cleon
- "dodging the red rope" - used to usher Boule to Acropolis
- "I'm gazing at the countryside and longing for peace" - peace = fertility, prosperity, countryside = festivals
- "we didn't even know the word 'buy'" - no need for money before war - trading
- "Ah, here they are at last - at midday! And look at them! Just like I said - fighting for the best places" - Boule don't care about peace or that people are suffering - war is giving them authority and money
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Card 3
- "Amphiteus" - 'doubly divine'
- "My ancestor and namesake was the son of Demeter and Triptolemus" - implausable - can only trace family back 4 generations - only 120 years
- "the gods have commisioned me to make peace with the spartans" - arrested - Boule do not want peace
- "He only wanted to make peace so we can hang up our sheilds on the wall were they belong" - war becoming outdated - too long
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Card 4 & 5
- "We processed up the Caster valley very slowly in shaded coaches and we actually had to lie down in them" - making out as if they have worked for thier money
- "I certainly had it good then, sleeping among the rubish on the city walls"- Athens in poverty - money taken by polititians and generals
- "Can't you see your envoys are making fools of you?"
- "With us it's how many bugger you and how many you ****" - making fun of Persians
- "******** on the Golden hills for eight months" - mispronounciation
- Kings Eye - visual comedy - giant eye mask - makes him unable to see
- Pseudartabas - 'fake excellence' - facade
- Speaks goobledegoke - trying to be foreign - Athenians dont know difference
- "I verily believe they are Greeks!" - ambassabor lying - expaditions not acheiveing anything
- "The Council hereby invite the Great King Eye to dinner in the City Mansion" - fooled or choosing not to notice
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Card 6, 7 & 8
- Theorus - follower of Cleon
- "I was ... drinking with Sitacles" - lying
- "he was scratching graffiti on the walls saying 'Athens is ****'"
- "Two drachmas for that lot and not a willy between them"
- "The Odimantians are pillaging my vegetables - Put down that garlic"
- 5 years - smells of pitch and shipbuilding - smells of war
- 10 years - too much acid - diplomatic missions
- 30 years - ambrosia and nectar
- "Holy Dionysia" - transports him to his farm
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Card 9
- Pardos
- "It's our duty to the city to arrest this man" - have fought at Marathon - don't believe in making peace with Sparta
- "our legs have gone all heavy and our calves are stiff and sore" - too old to pose serious threat
- "They have trampled on our vineyards" - archidamian invasions
- "Speak fair! Speak fair!" - call for silence - unaware he is defending himself
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Card 10, 11 & 12
- "make sure the phalus is erect"
- "like the beauty you are, with that sour look an your face"
- "he'll be a lucky man that marries you and producuces a brood of little pussycats"
- "Wife, you watch me from the roof"
- Agon
- "just let me talk about my peace treaty. Was I right to make it?"
- "I'm wiling to speak with my head on the block" - 1st idea
- "I will kill your nearest and dearest. I am hold holding them as hostages" - threatens to stab basket of coals - Acharnians are coal-miners
- "I'm not going to wrap myself in fancy words" - unlike politicians
- "They just love it when some fast talker flatters Athens" - people too easily fooled by politicians
- "made all sorts of trumped up charges, spewed out a current of sewege - I very nearly drowned in the flood of filth" - A speaking through D to defend himself - claims Cleon is a liar
- "let me dress up to look really wrecthed and down-trodden" - trying to evoke sympathy
- "We dont mind if you use Hieronymus hair as an invisibility hat" - poet - known for long hair
- "I think I should go and see Euriphedes"
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Card 13
- "His mind is not at home"
- "he himself is at home, with his feet up, writing a play" - Euriphides is lazy
- "I'll have myself wheeled out: I'm to busy to get down" - wheeled out on trolley - visual comedy
- "What sayest thou?" - joke that tragic playwright always talk and think is tragic register
- "Now I know why you put so many cripples in your plays" - legs are redundant - doesnt use them
- "ill-starred Oeneus?" - driven from his kingdom by his nephews
- "Blind Phoenix?" - Blinded by his father after his partner claimed Phoenix had attacked her; had only refused her advances
- "lame Bellerophon?"- fell from Pegasus while trying to fly to heaven
- "Telephus" - pretends to be a beggar to win Clytemnestra's sympathy while seeking the weapon that Achilles wounded him with - takes Orestes hostage when Odyseus suspects him - cured in exchange for leading Greeks to Troy
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Card 14
- 'For I this day must seem a beggar - be who I am, but not appear to be'
- "Mysian felt cap"
- O be thou best; and as for Telephus, may he get all that I desire for him' - quote from Eurphides
- "Now, to be a real beggar, I need a walking stick"
- "quit these marble halls"
- "give me a wicker basket- one that's had a hole burnt into it"
- "Need I have none, yet I desire to have it"
- "Know thou annoyest me, and go from hence!"
- "O be thou blest' as thou mother was" - quote
- "a little drinking cup, chipped at the rim"
- "Vexer! You're a fine one to talk"
- "A little cooking pot, with a hole in it, stuffed with a sponge"
- "thou't rob of a whole damn tragedy" - D stealing ideas from plays
- "cast off lettuce leaves"
- "I've lost my life's work!"
- "give me some chevril, 'inherited from her who gave thee birth'"- mother was a greengrocer
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Card 15
- "this time Cleon can's smear me with the charge of slandering the city in the presence of foreigners; it's only the Lenaea"
- "I've had my vines chopped down as well"
- "some Athenians, mind you, not Athens, not the City - but a bunch of good-for-nothing individuals"
- "some young roisters got drunk, went to Megara and kidnapped their tart Simaethea, and this raised the Megarians hackles and they stole two of Aspasia's tarts"
- Pericles 'threw Greece into turmoil, passing laws written like drinking songs"
- "No megarian shall be on land or sea; let our market henchforth be Megarian free"
- "Suppose some Spartan had 'sailed forth his bark and denounced and sold a puppy-dog"
- You'd have launched a fleet of three-hundred instantly
- Argument between first and second half of chorus; second chorus agree with Dik and defend him; win
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Card 16
- "Whence came the cry of battle cry that I heard?" - uses homeric register to mock him; old fashioned
- "O, mighty hero Lamachus!" - mock adoration
- 'Please take away that horrid face [...] put on the ground, face down [...] Now if you cold give me a plume from your helmet"
- "Can you take hold of my head, so that I can be sick?"
- "You're baby feather? [...] what bird does it come from? A boastard, perhaps?"
- "ever since the war started, you've been in the pay queue"
- "that's why I made peace - when I saw grey-headed men in the ranks while strong men like you skived off"
- "Tell me, Malrilades, you've been grey for many years, have you ever been ambassador?"
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Card 17
- Parabasis
- "He's never used his parabasis to say that he is clever" - irony
- "He's been accused of writing comedies which with insults to the people and city did abound" - Cleon hauled him in front of the Boule for writing an inappropriate play
- "He makes much better people of whomever he reviles"
- Claims Spartan king asked wheter he mwould speak harshly of sparta of Athens - credits himself with wide influence
- Claims Sparta always ask for Aegina in treaties so that they can keep him
- "So let Cleon contrive what he will against me"- direct threat
- "a cowardly fag who's promiscuosly queer" - direct insult
- "You let the younger sort on fearful charges haul us into court" - Athens does not look after veterans
- "We sob and weep and tell our friends 'That last few bob I'd saved to buy a coffin - it must go, thanks to this trial, to pay the fine I owe"
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Card 18
- Within these barriers the Pelopenisains may trade, all of them, and the Megarians and Boetiansto, but only if they trade with me - and not with Lamachus"
- "Which wuid ye rather - be sold as slaves or strave tae death?" - prefer prostitution to going home - Megarians starving and poor
- "I'll kit yee oot and say I've brought porkers to sell" - 'pork' can mean female genitalia
- "I'll will bet ye a block of salt flavoured with thyme that this is what a' Greeks call pork"
- "That word 'figs' sure makes them hit the high note"
- "for this one, a bunch o' garlic, and for the ither, if ya wuid, twa pints o' salt" - used to sell these to athens - desperate
- "if I cuid ainley sell my wife and my mither as easily" - dishounorable - emphasises state of megara
- "I denounce these pigs as a contraband of war"
- "What a plaugue o them ye have here in Athens" - informers seen as pests
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Card 19
- Second Parabasis
- 'He need never fight to buy things in the public Market Square, nor get his cloak all dirty jostling with the shoppers there'
- 'Like Cleonymus and Prepis, like the fatso and the queer' - C is greedy
- 'Cratinus, whose coiffure looks so chase'
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Card 20
- "And you, Theban poipers, take your bone pipes and let's hear 'The Dog's ****'" - terrible playing
- "Where are they from, the Chaeris Clan?" - second worst musicians in Greece
- "Boi Iolaus" - Theban nephew of Heracles
- "Marjojoram, penny, doormats, lamp-wicks, ducks, jackdaws, francolins, coots, wrens, dabchicks - "
- "this man has brought fowl weather to our market" - pun
- "also geese, hares, foxes, moles, hedgehogs, cats, badgers, martens, otters, eels form lake Copais
- "'O eldest of Copais fifty daughers'" - quote from Aescyhlus
- "My love, long lost, long yearned for, thou hast come!" - parody of Euripides - man rasing wife from the dead - eels haven't been seen since the start of the war
- "I'm taking these in lieu of market tax" - unpopular concept
- "I know, an informer!" - Athens has lots of them
- "You are attempting to inport an enemy made lamp wick"
- "This could be used to set fire to the docks" - trying to find any reason to be annoying
- "I want to pack him up like china, so he wont break en route"
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Card 21, 22 & 23
- ''The dreaded warrior with the ox-hide shield bearing the Gorgon's head' - epic register
- 'I wouldn't sell him anything if he gave me his shield'
- "Inside a I go, 'to the beat of thushres' and blackbirds wings"
- 'War will never be a guest at my parties'
- 'He's ready for dinner and proud of his triumph: see there the proof of his prosperous life
- 'Didn't you hear the proclamation. Get the water to boil - get the spit turning - roast the hare and take it of - quick!'
- 'A cordon bleu DIYer' - high quality
- 'I'm surprised your not dressed in black' - sarcastic
- 'I've wept for them till I cried my eyes out. Please, if you care for poor Decretes of Phyle, rub some peace in my eyes quickly'' - taking phrase literally
- 'drip one little drop of peace into my reed stalk' - sexual - fertility
- 'Sob off to Pitilus and Co'
- 'He wants you to give him one ladleful of peace, in this flask, so that he wont have to go to war and can stay home and ****'
- ''I would like you to make sure that my bridegrooms ***** stays at home with me'
- "She's a woman, she wasn't responsible for the war" - marriage central to comedy
- 'anytime theyre preparing army lists, just rub this onto your bridegrooms *****'
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Card 24 & 25
- 'O war, O Battle, O Lamachus' - dramatic parody
- 'You're to go immediatley,with all your troops and all your crests'
- 'Ho for the Lamachobelicose Expeditionary Force!' - mocking
- 'You're to come to dinner as soon as possible' - mockery of call up
- 'Boy, bring me out my ration bag' - 'Boy, bring me out my dinner box'
- "Which is nicer to eat: locusts or thrushes?"
- 'Reflected in the bronse I spy...the face of an old man who's going to get prosecuted for cowardice' - 'Reflected on the cake I spy... an old man who's telling Lamachus Fitz-Gorgon to get stuffed!'
- 'this is flat mockery in anyones book' - 'this a delicious cake in anyone's book'
- 'take the sheild and lets be off. It's snowing. Its a wintery outlook' - 'Take my dinner, boy,. It's a party outlook'
- 'drunk Orestes' - origination of drinking alone - couldn't share communal cup because he had killed his mother
- 'When crossing o'er a ditch; he dislocated his ankle, Broke his head upon a stone' - mock tragedy - not serious injury
- 'Friends, hold my leg with kindly hands - ah, ah, it hurts, take care' - 'Girls, hold my ***** between you both - hold tight, my darlings - there!'
- 'Behold my empty jug and hail me champion' - to real Basileus in front row
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