November 12 1932 is 14 years after the war. 11/11/1918 the last day of world war 1.
- "Back in Germany! How I envy you!" This is an Exclamatory Sentence this gives voice and gives tone, a tone of jealousy but still one of friendship as if joking between friends.
- "You" This is direct address, Second Person Pronoun
- In this letter you can see they are friends.
- Max is Jewish, surname Eisenstein.
- Max misses Germany, he is currently in California, America.
- Max has a sister names Griselle.
- Griselle is as actress in plays but things haven't been easy for her. "Lead play in Vienna."
- But it is said that her hard work is paying off. "Beginning to bear fruit." This is also a Metaphor.
- There was an affair between Martin and Griselle. Martin in married to Elsa.
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