Three main instruments playing in the dance
- Gankogui - has two bells with one high pitch and one low pitch approx. an 8vte apart. Played with wooden stick. Acts as time keeper.
- Sogo - 'father' drum, barrel shaped and played with sticks + hands. Acts as supporting drum in this piece.
- Atsimevu - 'grandfather'/'master' drum. Largest drum in Ewe music. Play similar to sogo but finger, hands + sticks can use diff parts of drum head to create diff timbres. Can hit side of the drum.
African music drumming + speech connected. Wide range of pitches leads Atsimevu to being called 'talking drum'.
'Master' drum is played by master drummer = most skilled. He communicated perforamance directions to other players + responisible for most complex parts (improvisations).
Mustapha Tettey Addy is master here (famous Ghanaian musician).