- Direct and vicarious reinforcement. Likelihood of repeated behaviour (operant conditioning), role models, observations and rewards.
- Bandura et al (1963) - three groups. Group 3 had only learnt the behaviour. + Huesmann - Johnston and nature/nurture - Cumberbatch, ecological validity/generalisability.
- Hogg & Vaughan (socialised ind. to anti-social).
- + Zimbardo. Diffusion of responsibility and anonymity. Stanford prison. Goes against societal norms.
- + Watson (avoids Eurocentricism).
- - Prentice-Dunn & Rogers (private self-awareness not public)
- - Manstead & Hewstone (ingroups know each other anyway)
+ Why we act differently in situations/with rewards.
- Biological factors (e.g. testosterone) increase during above scenarios.
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