Zimbardo : Studied undergraduates. First group had covered faces and bulky lab coats, hoods and NO name tag. The second group had normal clothes, names tags and were facing each other. Findings: The group that had no name were shocked twice as much as they were unidentifiable, whereas thet group that were identifiable were shocked less. Therefore anonymity is a key component of deindividuation as when a individual is facelss and anonymous the person dimishes self-awareness of their own individuality and acts aggressively.
Another study to support anonymity is by Rehm: He studied German school children, one group had orange shirts and the other group has mixed coloured clothing. They played handball and found the children in the orange shirts were more aggresssive when playing.
THE FACELESS CROWD: Mullen: Analsyed newspaper cuttings of 60 lynching's in the US. And found that the more people in the mob the greater the aggressive behaviour to the victim.
Mann: The baiting crowd: 21 suicide leaps in the US, and 10 out of the 21 had a crowd to watch them jump and they also urged them to jump. Baiting occured more at night in a large crowd as they were unidentifiable.
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