

Stage Directions

"pink and intimate"

"brighter and harder"

Mr Birling

"absolutely unsinkable" (Mr Birlingabout the titanic)

"the germans dont want war"

"hard headed practical man of business"

"good chance of nighthood" -------- he cares about his reputation

Mrs Birling

she is Mr Birling's 'social superior'

"A girl of that sort" - making eva seem bad, doesnt care about her


Does not accept responsibility


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Sheila Birling

"mummy", "squiffy"," jolly" ,"Mother","pretty""rather excited"   

Links with inspectors description of Eva - a pretty lively sort of girl (eva)

Changes throughout play.

Eric Birling

"not quite at ease, half shy, half assertive", "hellish" ,  "my god

His character changes like shelia throughjout the play, they accept social responsibility.

Eva Smith

Eva - represents first woman so the whole women in society

Smith - most common lower class surname in 19th century

her name shows how the inspector is talking about all events when lower class are abused

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The Inspector

A visual representation of Priestly's beliefs.

"And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, when they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish"

If people dont learn, they will learn in war. "and" puts emphasis on fire, blood, and anguish.

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How does Sheila change?

Sheila becomes less ignorant throughout the play. She makes the excuse that she thought Eva "looked as if she could take care of herself" when Eva was dismissed from Milwards. This means that Shiela could be shown as naive as she does not understand the world yet. Prieslty shows hope by the end of the play by making Eva become independant and intelligent. She is able to confront her parent's views and she becomes less dependant on them. When her mother said that the baby's Father should be punished without knowing it was Eric, Sheila tried to stop her but Mrs Birling responded with a cold "Be quiet, Sheila" and "You're behaving like a hysterical child".                                                                                                                                     

Shiela becomes more mature, in the beginning of the play she called her parents "Mummy" and "Daddy" and she was very excited over the ring that eric gave her.By the end of the play she was able to give the ring back to Gerald as it has lost its value due to his actions with Eva. She also began to call her parents "Mother" and "Father". She doesnt want to be protected from "unpleasent and disturbing things". She was able to show her maturity as she calmy dealt with Gerald's affair.                                                                                                                             

Priestly shows hopes in the younger generation in the way Sheila is able to change into a better person as she becomes more independant with the ability to accept and learn from her mistakes.

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How is Mrs Birling presented

  • Cold and heartless
  • Never takes responsibility "I'm sorry she should have come to such a horrible end. But i accept no blame for it at all"
  • Puts blame on others - "I blame the young man who was the Father (Eric) of the child  she was going to have. If, as she said, he didnt belong to her class, and was some drunken young idler, then thats all the more reason why he shouldnt escape....he'd (Eric) be entirely responsible"
  • Judges lower class people - "a girl of that sort"
  • Shows no simpathy for Eva
  • When told about Eva's death. She talks in an "easy tone" + she smiles.
  • Doesnt care about things if it doesnt affect her. Like how she doesnt care about Eva's death.
  • Used her influence to not help a person in need Eva. Didnt believe her explanation - didnt want to accept money because it might have been stolen as she was a "Girl of that class (lower class)"
  • Refuses Eva over petty reasons - Named herself Mrs Birling (as Eric was the father)
  • Doesnt say thanks to people and she tells Mr Birling off for trying to compliment the chef.
  • She is ignorant, has no time for others.
  • "Unsympathetic towards others below her class.
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Responsibility in Inspector Calls

  • "If there's nothing else, we'll have to share our guilt",
  • Social responsibilities increase as priviliges increases
  • Younger generation are less ignorant and learn to accept thair mistakes and learn
  • Sheila is able to take responsibility showing their is hope for the younger generation
  • No hope for older generation. Mrs Birling cant take responsibility, Mr Birling finds it hard to
  • Older generations rejoice as they find out there is no suicide in the infirmary despite knowing their actions could cause one.
  • Inspector wants family to share responsibility
  • Inspector seems to know everything
  • "If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everybody we'd had anything to do with, it would be very awkward, wouldn't it?" - Mr Birling trying to avoid responsibility
  • There are many Eva Smith's and John Smith's - They must learn so it doesnt happen again
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Responsibility in Inspector Calls

  • "If there's nothing else, we'll have to share our guilt",
  • Social responsibilities increase as priviliges increases
  • Younger generation are less ignorant and learn to accept thair mistakes and learn
  • Sheila is able to take responsibility showing their is hope for the younger generation
  • No hope for older generation. Mrs Birling cant take responsibility, Mr Birling finds it hard to
  • Older generations rejoice as they find out there is no suicide in the infirmary despite knowing their actions could cause one.
  • Inspector wants family to share responsibility
  • Inspector seems to know everything
  • "If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everybody we'd had anything to do with, it would be very awkward, wouldn't it?" - Mr Birling trying to avoid responsibility
  • There are many Eva Smith's and John Smith's - They must learn so it doesnt happen again
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