All Dance GCSE AQA Skills & Attributes 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? DanceTechnical skillsPhysical skills and attributesMental skills and attributes Safe working practicesGCSEAQA Created by: HevsCreated on: 08-11-22 12:53 Physical skills Strength Coordination Alignment Mobility Posture Isolation Extension Stamina Balance Control Flexibility 1 of 8 Technical skills 1.Action 2.Dynamic 3.Space 4.Relationship 5.Choreographic devices 6.Structure 7.Aural setting 8.Performance environment 2 of 8 Expressive skills 1.Focas 2.Projection 3.Phrasing 4.Communication of choreographic intent 5.Musicality 6.Spacial awareness 3 of 8 Expressive skills for duet/trio Sensitivity to other dancers 4 of 8 Mental skills and attributes (during performance) Commitment Concentration Confidence Movement memory 5 of 8 Mental skills and attributes (during rehearsal pro 1.Repetition of movement 2.Planning of rehearsals 3.Rehearsal discipline? 4.Response to feedback 5.Capacity to improve? 6 of 8 Safe working practices (during performance) 1.Appropriate dance wear (remove jewellery) 2.Clear dance space 7 of 8 Safe working practices (process) 1.Warming up 2.Cooling down 3.Appropriate dance wear (remove jewellery) 4.Clear dance space 8 of 8