Animal Farm Chapters 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LiteratureAnimal FarmGCSEEdexcel Created by: saffie2016Created on: 25-04-16 18:50 Chapter 1 old major shares his dream with the animals it is the first time we hear about what the rules of the rebellion should be 1 of 10 Chapter 2 old major dies animals are neglected acusing the rebellion to occur the pigs introduce the 7 commandment of animalism the cows are milked and its thought milk will be shared out among the animals equally 2 of 10 Chapter 3 pigs suppervice the animals work animals have meetings and debates - snowball and napoleon disagree pigs get the milk and apples so that they are fit to lead napoleon takes the puppies to teach 3 of 10 Chapter 4 battle of the cowshed takes place Snowball's defence plan works and he fights with the other animals, but Napoleon is not present Jones gun is to be shot on the aniversary 4 of 10 Chapter 5 Snowball comes up with the idea of a windmill (produces electricity) napoleon disagrees, but snowball gains support, so napoleon releses his dogs on snowball he removes the votes and become a dictator the dogs scare animals into agreement 5 of 10 Chapter 6 animal farm will take part in trade with humans to pay for windmill some pigs objected, but were put down by the dogs windmill makes progress storm destroys windmill, but napoleon claims it was snowball death penalty is decleared on snowball pigs move into farm house comandments have been changed 6 of 10 Chapter 7 food is rationed napoleon tricks Mr Whymper into thinking farm has lots of food animals were killed because they thought about Snowball chickens were starved to death for refussing to give up their eggs beasts of england is banned 7 of 10 Chapter 8 "no animal shall kill another animal without cause" a song is written to celebrate napoleon napoleon sold wood to fredrick, but was tricked with fake money napoleon sentence fredrick to death fredrick and his men blew up the windmill many animals including boxer were injured pigs get drunk squealer is caught changing the commandment 8 of 10 Chapter 9 boxer has a bad hoof school house is built for his kids nepoleon is president of Animal farm republic Boxer is injured animals are told he is going to hospital Boxer is killed pigs get money to buy whisky 9 of 10 Chapter 10 years later napoleon has outlived some of the animals windmill is done and brings in a profit pigs walk on 2 legs 1 commandment left "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" pigs wear clothes pigs are like jones at the begining animal farm in now called mannor farm animals cant tell the difference between pigs and humans 10 of 10
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