Anoushka Shankar-Breathing Under Water 0.0 / 5 ? MusicSet worksA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Hannah.SpencerCreated on: 14-04-21 09:42 Introduction Ravi Shankar Born in 1920 Daughter performed in many of his sitar concertos Shankar became a composer in 1944 Indian classical music Two foundational elements: raga and tala Space between the notes in Indian classical music Displays Western classical concepts such as harmony, counterpoints, chords or modulation Anoushka Shankar Born in 1981 Active in promoting her father's work Explores many fusions Indian Raga Melodic mode Each raga is a melodic structure 1 of 8 Instrumentation Breathing Under Water Piano, electric guitar, electronic drums, vocals, synth bass Sitar, Manjira Burn Strings, synth bass (bars 22-end) English vocals (Noa Lambersley) Sitar and manjira (bars 22-49) Easy Similar to the previous two 2 of 8 Rhythm and Metre Breathing Under Water simple quadruple Scotch snaps (bar 2) Triplets (bar 6) Quintuplets (bar 12) Syncopation (bars 5-6) Burn triplets syncopation Lombardic rhythms Anticipations Demi-semiquavers Easy sitar rhythms 1/2 beat anacrusis septuplets (bar 20) scotch snaps 3 of 8 Melody Breathing Under Water overlapped melodies (bar 18) melody in string part (bar 23) stepwise vocal lines (bar 42) opens with a sitar solo ornamentation Burn mainly conjunct with ornamentation rising 6th figure uses minor 3rds includes slides and trills Easy ornamentation is often used backing vocals span a 9th slurred notes and melisma restricted 4th and 5ths 4 of 8 Texture Breathing Under Water simple texture (bar 7) melody dominated homophony (bar 7) countermelody (bar 42) polyphony (bar 55-67) Burn drone polyphonic (bar 38) contrapuntal (bar 40) dialoguing (bar 86) homophonic (end) Easy melody dominated homophony varied texture 5 of 8 Harmony Breathing Under Water Slash chords (bar 26) Maj 7th chord variations on plagal cadence Inconclusive Db sus 4 (bar 17) Burn strict Indian ragas use of extension chords Easy Three suspended chords-Db sus 4, Gb sus 2 and Cb sus 2 Variation in chord orders limited chord choices 6 of 8 Tonality Breathing Under Water modally inflected Burn the suggestion of C#minor modally infelcted Easy Db mixolydian 7 of 8 Structure Breathing Under Water Uneven phrases Section 1(bars 1-18) A1(1-4) A2 (5-10) B1(11-18) Section 2 (bars 18-36) C1 (bars 18-22) C2 (bars 23-26) B2(47-53) Bridge passages (27-36) Section 3 and 4 follow similar structures Burn Strophic form Easy Strophic form 8 of 8
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