


Circumstances of Performance (When, where and why)

  • Written in 1869
  • Piece of romantic music
    - warm
    - expressive melodies
    - dramatic contrasts of dynamics
    - some unusual melodic intervals (major 7th in soprano between bars 9+10)
    - chromatic passages
    - unprepared discords (alto, bar 22) 
  • Composed for the Cathedral of Linz, Austria where was Bruckner was organist
  • Motet
    - short piece of sacred music to be sung acapella by a choir
  • Sung to celebrate the dedication to church
  • First sung at opening of one of chapels in the new cathedral 
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Tonality (Key)

  • C major
  • Passing modulation to G major in the first 4 bars, however they resolve back to C major

Performing Forces (Interesting and unusual features)


Texture (layers)

  • Homophonic
  • Imitation by inversion (bars 21-26)
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Melody (Tune)

  • Mainly syllabic, except (bar 40-42) melisma used from all parts on the words 'GOD'

Harmony (Chords)

  • An imperfect cadence used (bar 11 + 29)
  • A sustained perfect cadence ends the piece
  • Phrygian cadence in (bars 15-16) along with anticipation on the first chord and suspension on the second 

Rhythm (Time Signature)

  • 4/4 simple time, Allegro Moderato
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Structure (Sections)

  • Ternary form (ABA)
    - Section A - (bars 1-12)
    - Section B - (bars 12-29)
    - Section A1 - (first 10 bars repeated with extended end)
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