Bach's Cantata No.140 - Mvt. I Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme
- Eb major
- each mvt. is a verse - verse 1
- Grand Maestoso intro
- violino piccolo tuned a 3rd higher
- b. 1 1st chord is Eb major - highlights key - emphasised through homophony
- b. 1-4 antiphony between woodwind and strings
- b. 5-8 imitation between violin piccolo and 1st oboe
- b. 17 soprano voice enters on Eb above middle C
- b. 17 when voices enter orchestra becomes sparser - helps emphasis voices
- b. 17-21 canonic entries in voices
- b. 23 soprano sings sustained notes - emphasises alto, tenor and bass - contrasting to Handel
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