This is also known as the July bomb plot and it was only because of a few minor errors that it failed . The attempt on hitler's life was made by the Army - it was Claus Von Saffenburg who had taken the bomb into the meeting and had placed it under the table near to Hitler but it was moved by cononel brandt to the other side of the desk after he had caught it with his foot ! the army took this oppotunity to look for revenage as there had been many deaths and injuries in the army when germany had invaded the USSR
EXTRA RANDOMNESS ( some what )
according to one programme of mythbusters the meeting was due to take place in an underground bumker but the location was changed at the last second - because of the doors and windows it the new location the shock waves could escape more easily from the room and therefore caused less damage than if it had taken place in the bunker, if that had been the case maybe this would have been a success ( this is not to say that deaths did not occur on the 20th of july 1944- 4 people died) and staffenburg and others in volved here execued by hanging with piano wire ... so close but so far wrong
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