This defence includes drink, legal drugs, illegal drugs and solvent abuse
1) Were the defendant's action a result of being intoxicated?
- Yes = defence can be used (Sheehan and Moore 1975)
- No = no defence - if mens rea formed prior to intoxication, then defence is not available (Kingston; AG for NI v Gallagher ~ dutch courage)
2) Was the crime basic or specific intent?
- Specific = can be used as inability to form necessary mens rea of intent
- Basic = cannot be used as Majewski says that to get intoxciated is reckless so fulfills basic intent mens rea requirements. HOWEVER, if the defendant was involuntarily intoxicated (i.e. had drink spiked) then defence can be used for basic intent crimes
3) Was the intoxication voluntary or involuntary?
- Voluntary = no defence (unless specific intent crime, see question 2) as reckless to get intoxicated. (Allen)
- Involuntary = always a defence for both basic and specific intent (Hardie)